
The achievements tab summarizes data across the application according to roles and permissions

There are three sections to Achievements:

  1. User Achievements
    • User achievements only show if a department has them toggled on. They summarize the following stats:
      • Percentage of calls rated as professional
      • Number of noncompliant people encountered
      • Instances of community gratitude
      • Number of calls awarded High Professionalism
      • Number of calls awarded High Composure
      • Number of De-escalation attempts
    • User achievements are scoped based on role
      • Administrators see "Department achievements" that total stats across the department
      • Reviewers see "Squad achievements" that total stats across all officers they can view videos for
      • Officers see "Individual achievements" that are their personal stats
    • User achievements show on the top of the screen as they become awarded. Zero values are not shown.
  2. Usage
    • Usage shows differently for administrators vs normal users
    • For administrators, usage shows aggregated usage across the department
    • For all other users (including reviewers), usage shows personal usage
    • Usage stats include:
      • Minutes spent in app
      • Minutes spent verifying pending events (administrative burden)
      • Videos viewed
      • Praise sent
  3. ROI
    • The ROI stats are department wide and appear the same for all user types