Call Summary

Call Summaries are Generative AI summaries of TRULEO transcripts that are automatically or manually generated for a call

If an organization has Summaries enabled, TRULEO will automatically generate a summary for calls that have Pending labels, are automatically awarded High Professionalism, or are automatically awarded High Composure.

Summaries are generated from call transcripts & event labels. Since transcripts have PII redacted, call summaries do not contain PII. Only the name of the officer wearing the camera is present.

Summaries are useful to quickly get an idea of what happened in a call and/or use it as a starting point for a report.

If a summary has been generated automatically, it will appear in the "Summary" tab:

If a call does not have a summary generated, you can click the button on the "Summary" tab.

Calls can only be summarized if they have more than 10 segments in the transcript.