Drafted Stories and Stories Published (Changes Pending)

The PIO user can save and exit the Story editor creating a Drafted Story. The PIO user can also edit a Published Story, changing the status to Published (Changes Pending). Draft and Pending Stories are only seen by the PIO user

Drafted Stories and Published (Changes Pending) Stories are only seen by the PIO user and are saved for continued editing before publishing, or re-publishing

image (106)

At any point the PIO user can Save and Exit, leaving their work in a Drafted status.

The PIO user can also edit an already Published Story, changing the status to Published (Changes Pending) .

  • Select the type of Story to publish
    • New Story
    • Drafted Story
    • Published (Changes Pending) Story 
  • Select Publish Story seen on the top right hand side  image (103)
  • Or re-publish a Published (Changes Pending) story by 
    • Selecting View Last Published image (107)
    • Select Re-Publish  image (108)