Viewing & Editing A User Profile

How to view and edit a user's profile and profile information

Any User with reviewer permissions can view a user's profile, but only an Admin User can make edits and changes


  • Any User with reviewer permissions can view a user's profile by clicking on the user's name within the video playback section 

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  • After clicking on the user's name, the user's profile will pop up. A User with reviewer permissions can view only. An Admin User can make edits and changes by clicking on the blue pencil icon

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An Admin User can also access a user's profile through the Officers List

  • Click on the gear icon and select Officers List 

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  • Use the search bar to enter the user's name, or find the user's name in the available list

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  • Once the user is found, click on their information and another window will pop up. Press the pencil icon in blue, in the lower right hand corner, to make any edits, or changes 

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