Redacting and editing Moments in Stories

When creating a Story, there are tools available to redact and edit a Moment before publishing it as a Story. TRULEO will perform auto-redaction, but the PIO user can add or remove any redactions or edits made in the Story Editor

Redacting and editing the moment allows the PIO user to make any final changes before publishing a Story. There are multiple features that help a PIO edit a Moment in the Story Editor

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  • Edit the length of the Moment 
  • Edit the Moments subtitles shown via the Transcript
  • Edit the Audio and Visual Redaction of the Moment 
  • Edit the Intro and Outro Title Cards

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  • Edit the length of the Moment - use the time slider to trim the video, select update, and use the Play Moment feature to check the edits

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When approving the Moment in the Moments tab, it is best to be generous with the time slider and then trim down during the Story editor. The PIO user cannot add time once in editor. The PIO user may need to add the Moment more than once to stitch together different points in the same Moment

  • Edit the Moments subtitles shown via the Transcript - Select "View in Transcript" to be taken to the Moment
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    • Select the Moment being edited from the Timeline 

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    • Click on Edit in the Transcript

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    • The subtitles that will be shown in the Moment have a bold outline  and a blue background in the Transcript

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    • Once the PIO user has found the segment to edit, left click to be given editing options

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If the PIO user changes the spelling of, or removes, a profanity, the audio can be redacted in the editor using the redact audio feature   

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  • Edit the Audio and Visual Redaction of the Moment - Select "Open in Redaction Editor" to be permitted redaction tools


    • Inside the Redaction Editor, the PIO user will see a full list of  redactions

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    • Each redaction is given a time range and type of redaction - Audio and/or Visual
    • Selecting a redaction will take the user to the point in the video where the redaction is used and permit the user to edit any redactions, or add any new redactions
      • Audio Redaction - This feature is used to remove any audio during a set period of time. A consistent beep sound will be heard where audio redaction is used 
        • Select "New Redaction" and using the time sliders, choose the time in the video where the audio will be redacted
        • Once the time is identified, select the "Redact Audio" box followed by "Save Redaction"
        • The new redaction will appear in the redaction list. To edit, select from the redaction list 
        • This is a single redaction. To create multiple audio redactions, save and select "New Redaction" each time
      • Visual Redaction - Whether editing, or adding a new redaction, click and draw a yellow box anywhere in the video that needs visual redaction 
        • Edit the size of the box, or delete, while yellow. Add as many boxes as needed during the one redaction instance
        • The box will become green when not selected, or when not the primary box being edited
        • Selecting "Save Redaction" will save progress and add to the redaction list 
        • Each redaction can include multiple boxes, but only one length of time. To address another period of time, select "Save Redaction" and create a "New Redaction"

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Over-redacting a single yellow box for visual redaction is recommended to cover the most amount of area over a period of time

  • Edit the Intro and Outro Title Cards - Select each card from the main Story editor screen 

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    • Entering Intro and Outro title and content information can help introduce information and improve the viewer's experience
    • Each card is 0:05 seconds in length
    • Add a department badge 

Once a PIO user is complete with editing and redacting a moment, they can preview the Story before publishing 

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