How TRULEO Recognizes Professionalism

TRULEO automatically identifies calls with High Professionalism and High Composure. Below Standard calls always require human verification.

TRULEO's Professionalism rating is auto-generated based 100% on the officer’s words. This rating is an objective system that removes supervisor bias. Meet the criteria and the call will be identified with the proper professionalism label.

There are four levels of TRULEO's Professionalism rating:

High Composure

An officer is awarded High Composure if a call meets all of these criteria

  1. The officer encounters a noncompliant person 
  2. The officer refrains from threatening force
  3. The officer refrains from using force
  4. The officer refrains from using below standard language

High Professionalism

An officer is awarded High Professionalism if a call meets all of these criteria

  1. The officer provides 25 words or more of explanation
  2. Optionally (based on department settings), the officer provided an introduction or gave out a business card
  3. The officer refrains from threatening force
  4. The officer refrains from using force
  5. The officer refrains from using below standard language

Here are some examples of explanation given that help users achieve 25 or more words of explanation during a call - Explanation

Standard Professionalism

All calls are awarded Standard by default if they do not fit into another category. This designation indicates an officer uses exemplary language indicative of the departments standards.

Below Standard (Not Auto-Generated)

A call is rated Below Standard if a call meets all of these criteria

1. An officer uses directed profanity or insults during a call

2. A supervisor determines the usage was the officer speaking and not another speaker

3. A supervisor determines the usage of the language was below standard


All discussion of force and below standard language is human verified by a supervisor. TRULEO does not make those decisions