
What is the Pending tab and what type of events are available in Pending?

Pending tab is where all Human verification events are organized for supervisors, or designated users,  to review. 

Pending tab has a notification number attached to alert the user how many calls are pending

The events in the Pending tab include:

  • Discussion of Force - The reviewer is presented with an instance, or instances, during a call where the officer wearing the camera possibly used force. The reviewer determines if force was used at any point in the call
  • Impolite Language - The reviewer is presented with an instance, or instances, during a call where the officer wearing the camera possibly used below standard language. The reviewer determines if any below standard language was used at any point in the call with a two-step verification process
    • Step 1: The reviewer identifies the speaker as either the officer, or another speaker/community member
    • Step 2: If any of the instances in step 1 were determined, by the reviewer, to be the officer speaking, the reviewer then determines if any of the language was below standard

By design, 2/3 of the time it will be determined the speaker is the community member, or other speaker, speaking


Once a call is reviewed in Pending, it is removed from Pending tab. A user can view that call again by selecting the ALL tab - selecting Filters - selecting Events - and choosing a Human Verified label 

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   Below is a video explaining the Pending tab