Editing the Transcript

How to edit the transcript and who can edit the transcript of a single call

Each call comes with a transcript that is seen in the single call reviewer screen. The transcript is viewed whenever the reviewer chooses the transcript feature seen at the top of the right hand column

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Edits to the transcript can ONLY be made by the following users with reviewer permissions (setup in User Management)

  • Admin
  • User + Reviewer Permissions 


The reviewer can edit a transcript by entering the single call reviewer screen and 

  • Selecting Transcript  image (38)
  • Selecting Edit image (44)
  • Selecting the segment for editing 


The blue segments are attributed to the officer speaking. The gray segments are attributed to the other speaker, or community member


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All segments, language, and event labels can be edited by a reviewer to attribute the correct language, correct speaker and correct event label to the segment


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Once a reviewer makes and edit, a record of that edit is seen in the transcript showing the user name, the edit made, and the date and time the edit occurred


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