Nominating Moments

Moments are short clips of a video for recognition and training. Any user can nominate a Moment, but only users with PIO permissions can approve a Moment to create Stories

Moments are 120 seconds or less clips of a video, nominated by any user to recognize and celebrate professionalism, and for training material. Once a user with PIO permissions approves the Moment, Stories can be created and shared internally for department users and externally for community engagement.

Moments cannot be created while in Pending, if an interaction is labeled below standard, or if a use of force is involved

A user nominates a Moment from within the video player. Once the range of video is identified, click the 'Create Moment' icon  image (52)

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This will allow the user to place a time slider, max 120-seconds, in the video where they want to create a moment

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Since Moments use subtitles , It is important to review the transcript during the time selected, which is identified in bold outline. T make any changes, click Transcript -> Edit to perform this function 

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The user names the Moment they are nominating and clicks create

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The Moment is now found in the Moments tab for easy access by the user with PIO permissions 

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