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  2. Getting Started

Initial Onboarding Process

The process to get TRULEO up and running.

After signing the contract the onboarding process begins. This is a collaboration between your designated Point of Contact (POC) and your TRULEO Customer Success Manager (CSM).

  1. Kickoff Call: a call will be scheduled with department administrators and the TRULEO Success Team to determine a point of contact and executive decision maker for your department, schedule a regular cadence meeting (usually weekly to start), demo the platform and set department goals. 
  2. Connect API: your API key & credentials from your body-camera provider will enable data to begin flowing to TRULEO. See here for more details.
  3. IT Onboarding: If relevant, setup single-sign on and firewall rules.
  4. Officers Analyzed: Your CSM will provide the department with a spreadsheet template to upload BWC users information such as email, last name, first name, rank, sworn date.
  5. Voice ID: Once this connection is made and the template uploaded the Customer Success team at TRULEO will complete the Voice ID process so the system can differentiate between the officer that the camera is assigned to and other people on scene. This process can take up to 30 days depending on the size of the department. Smaller departments can be completed as quickly as 1 week.
  6. User Invites: After Voice ID is complete User Invites will be sent to admin staff, front line supervisors and officers/deputies. Users will be separated into groups and be given individual viewing permissions.
  7. Training: In person training will be scheduled approximately two weeks after the invites are sent. this gives users time to use TRULEO so they have a better understanding of the workflow and can ask questions during the training.